edhiphy is built around metadata for 44,376 philosophers. Thus far, we have extracted mentions from twelve Anglo-American academic philosophy journals between 1890 and 1980. The mentioned philosophers are listed below, ordered by the number of total mentions. To sort the table by a different column, click on the column header.
You can refine the display of philosophers by selecting years of publication, or by focusing on a range of years of birth. When selecting years of birth, all philosophers where this information is missing will be hidden. The serch function works on all columns of the table.
Click on a name to learn more about a particular philosopher and to see the incoming and outgoing mentions.https://edhiphy.org/philosopher/Rudolf
, or by adding the philosopher's ID at the same place, such as https://edhiphy.org/philosopher/P:5858
Philosopher ID | Philosopher Standard Name | Gender | Birth Year | # Mentions |