Plotting Network Graphs from Co-Mention Relations

Mention relations can be visualized as a network graph. On this page, you can use VOSviewer to visualize the frequency with which different philosophers are mentioned in the same article (their 'co-mentions').

Include up to most-mentioned authors.

Philosophers must be mentioned in at least documents.

Consider publications from until

Include only articles with the keyword(s)/phrase(s) in the full text.

Journals to include (default: all)
  • toggle all

You can filter the considered articles by full text keywords or 2-word phrases, like 'causation', 'caus*' (for anything starting with 'caus'). Multiple keywords or phrases can be combined with upper-case 'AND' and 'OR', such as: 'metaphysics OR ethics'. A phrase like '"protocol sentence"' has to be enclosed in quotation marks ("..."). Otherwise it is interpreted as 'protocol AND sentence', which also matches documents that contain e.g. 'this is the first sentence of the protocol'. The article overview can show how a query filters the corpus.


Interpreting the results of a network plot is no simple task. The VOS viewer handbook is a good starting point to learn more. We are also planning to offer download formats that can be read by other programs, such as Gephi. If you would like to see a download option for a particular format, let us know.