Welcome to edhiphy

edhiphy offers enriched data for the history of philosophy. At its core, this database contains mentions of philosophers in journal articles. Mentions were the common way of referencing ideas and arguments from fellow philosophers before the advent of standardized citations. edhiphy collects these informal references and can be used to quantitatively study the history of philosophy. See the publications page for our paper about mention-analysis and its motivation, as well as some first applications. For more information about edhiphy and the people behind it, see the about page.

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Continuing Development

At present, edhiphy contains data extracted from twelve Anglo-American academic philosophy journals between 1890 and 1980. We have extracted more than one million mentions from over 20,000 articles. In the near future, we hope to expand the database by, among others, French philosophy journals, covering the same period. If you want to be notified about major releases, leave your email-address in the form below.

Please direct feedback, suggestions and questions at nomessages@mailG.E.Boes[at]gmail.comtilburguniversity.edu. If you want to rely on edhiphy for reproducible research, please get in touch.

edhiphy is created as part of the Exiled Empiricists project at Tilburg University in the Netherlands.